Saturday, June 6, 2015

157. Waldos

Telepresence robots have a long history with transhumanity. Their use has fallen out of favor as the skill and reliability of AIs has grown, but they have never died out. Waldos combine the strengths of both AIs and telepresence, allowing for a smooth mixing of both, a unique strategy that has paid off, and brought waldos to labs and workshops throughout the system.

A typical waldo is approximately head-sized, resembling a four legged spider-crab. They have two general purpose arms as well as two slots for specialized tools. Despite their size, they are capable of carrying heavy loads.

The key to the waldoes success is their variable-strength AI, inspired by the semi-autonomy of octopus tentacles. The AI naturally reacts to the degree of effort made by the user, never supersedeing the commands of the user, but filling in any gaps.

If the user desires full control, the AI sidelines itself. If the user is not present at all, the AI runs the robot autonomously. If the user is focusing on observing something, the AI ensures a stable viewing platform. The user might move the waldo by directly controlling its limbs, giving directions to the AI, giving the AI a destination, or any combination of the three. Waldo AIs can also be easily trained to perform repetitive tasks.

A skilled user of waldos acts like the brain of up to a half-dozen extra limbs, and can run a 6-person lab or workshop all by themselves.


Waldos are robots [Moderate]

Movement Rate: 2/8 Max Velocity: 8 Armor: 2/2 Durability: 10 Wound Threshold: 2
Mobility System: Walker

Enhancements: Access Jacks, Enhanced Vision, Extra Limbs (4), Grip Pads, Utilitool

Waldos are often equipped with mobile labs, disassembly tools, or other specialized tool-sets depending on their task.

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