A blog of fantasy, scifi, and horror.
Eclipse Phase
Eclipse Phase
Seedware started as a year long blog of ideas for Eclipse Phase, with the intention of posting one idea per day.
You can download a pdf of the yearblog
1. Whistling Spider
2. Third Hemisphere
3. All-Thing
4. Compulsion Goad
5. Terror Birds of Mars
6. Berserkergang
7. Bearcats
8. Frute
9. Eden
10. Compound Bow
11. Reduction
12. Famine Worm
13. Cheshires
15. Regalia
16. Hypothetical Handbooks
17. Feedback Cortex
18. Translucent Skin
14. Medichine Service Pack 4: Biomineralization
19. Bioluminescence
20. Smarts
21. Autocannons
22. Aquila
23. Centaur
24. Fork Hives
25. Deja Vu
26. Society of the Words of Gods
27. Plasticity Treatments
28. Crusoe
29. Swarm Gun
30. Lycanthropy
31. Universal Tissue
32. Interstellar Club
33. Subjective Run Time
34. Neumann
35. Sensites
36. Seeker Nest
37. Fork Selection
38. Methods of Steel
39. Domesticated Limb
40. Systema Zero
41. Dream Logic
42. Organ Redundancy
43. Organ Plasticity
44. Medicrabs
45. Octodoc
46. Tartarus
47. Temper Switch
48. Programmed Identity
49. Consensus Societies of Extropia
50. Everlasting Rats
51. Binary Chatter
52. Gut Macrofauna
53. Hellsquid
54. Settlers of Mars
55. Survites
56. Gullet Worm
57. Metabolic Chamber
58. Zeroes
59. Eudaimonia Gland
60. The War
61. Myrmidon
62. HARM Suits
63. Screen and Strike
64. Butterfly Parlor
65. Dissonance Therapy
66. Smart Constitutions
67. Smart Camouflage
68. Moon Worms
69. Erosion Gun
70. Sappers
71. Instinct Sets
72. Flight Bladder
73. Predictive Profiles
74. Crèche
75. Crèche-Wolf
76. Earth Reconstruction Therapy
77. Neotenic Elephants
78. J.O.E.
79. Sensor Grenades
80. Sustenance Spores
81. Eusocial Monkey Butlers
82. Zombies
83. Blood Coral
84. Dirt™
85. Nanoseeds
86. Manna Trees
87. Gloria de la Poer
88. Metamorph
89. Cultures
90. The Agōgē
91. Yutani Nu
92. The Precociousness Problem
93. Static Wind
94. Microraptors
95. Brownies
96. Evolved Interrogation
97. Chimera
98. Vitiate
99. Glutton Mites
100. Bloat
101. Tentaball
102. Dromaeosauridae
103. Skyn
104. Democracy
105. Dermalichen
106. Colonial Swarms
107. Bone Mites
108. Atlatl
109. Octosuit
110. Coiled Canines
111. Trilobite
112. The Village
113. Grandfather Wang
114. Mantises
115. Fray
116. The Colosseum
117. Direct-to-Memory
118. Accompaniment
119. Engineer's Womb
120. Jovian Union
121. The Birds with Human Eyes
122. Portia Hobbling
123. Portias
124. Shepherds
125. Kinetics in Vacuum
126. Braids
127. Driver Failure
128. Terrabrew
129. Candy/Toys
130. The Immortals
131. Ntwadumela
132. Frames
133. Anthropomorphism
134. Dart Guns
135. The Guns of Tharsis
136. Gliders
137. Toppled Towers
138. Fabre's Fabulous Flavors
139. Motivation Trap
140. Tasping
141. Neo-Canines
142. Livestock
143. Hulderhund
144. Seeing-Eye Balls
145. Origami
146. Long-Guns
147. The Dream
148. Medicinal Probiotics
149. Police Fog
150. Exhuman Perspectives
151. The Gestalt Albia
152. Reflexive Seeker Point Defense
153. Carcossa
154. Smart Seekers
155. Auto-Bombs
156. Limpets
157. Waldos
158. Darwin Nosek
159. Basilisk Weeds
160. Rage and Terror
161. The Portia Fragments
162. Olympus Asylum and Spa
163. Cluster Missiles
164. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt
165. Tall-Dogs
166. Born Again
167. Tipsy!
168. Training Under the Influence
169. Knockout
170. Eye of the Beholder
171. Lyre's Syrinx
172. Manoel and His Mother
173. Mutamons
174. God's Acre
175. Grafted
176. Packnet
177. Storytellers
178. Patches
179. Animalware Cybersuites
180. Mercurial Perspectives
181. Dogbots
182. Sleepers
183. Stoking the Firebrands
184. Dr. Lucy Michaels
185. Profession: Security-Ecologist
186. Evolution Box
187. Savorynges
188. Assassins
189. Agonizing Art
190. Kaiju Therapy
191. Acquisitions
192. Smalls
193. Life with Enhanced Hearing
194. Post-Singularity Signage
195. Sato
196. Multi-Soldiers
197. Stratification and Speciation
198. Bubblewrap
199. Nostalgia
200. Supercavitating Rounds
201. Knitting Spores
202. Kessler Syndrome
203. Virtue Plague
204. Introspection Cortex
205. Medusa-Locks
206. Radium Wine
207. Blood Capsules
208. Francesca's Wine and Cheese Manufactory
209. Niamh Griffin
210. Singularity Seeker Perspectives
211. The Monasteries
212. Enclosure Contests
213. Mute
214. Daemons
215. Ticklers
216. Lamarckia
217. Geode
218. Emer-gen-C Bot
219. The Tall Woods of the Eventual Mars
220. Basilisks
221. Constable Reginald
222. The Human Uplift Project
223. Profession: Evolutionary Inspector
224. Fruit
225. Choconuts
226. Lemonberries
227. The Olympics(s)
228. Magnetar
229. A Plan for Ceres
230. Hyper-Allergens
231. Designer Synesthesia
232. Silhouettes
233. Numbers Stations
234. Trauma Fatigue
235. Kunthea Intelligence Fund
236. Terracotta Warriors of Mars
237. Pearls
238. Get A Life!
239. Anomaly
240. Off-Contract Work
241. Orbits
242. Statistical Contests
243. Jerrys
244. Elizabethian's Bespoke Dreams
245. A Fistful of Brand Name Weapons
246. Accretion
247. The Equator Run
248. Pod Feed
249. The Solemn Initiative
250. Biots
251. Skin-Suits
252. Solemn's Seeds
253. For a Few Name Brand Weapons More
254. Profession: AI Therapist
255. Phantom Morph Disorder
256. Monster Bash
257. The Philosophers
258. Ites
259. Disbelief
260. The Floating World
261. Sin Eater
262. Bonsai
263. Dragon Flies
264. Public Access Memory
265. The Good, the Bad, and the Name Brand Weapons
266. Endomorph
267. Survivor's Yeast
268. Runoff
269. The Posthuman Relationships
270. X-Prize
271. Sensates
272. Mars Wagon
273. Babysitter
274. Tom
275. Carnifruit
276. Contingency Simulations
277. Mementos
278. Ablative Beetles
279. Forget-Me-Nots
280. Remnant Gardens
281. Catopia
282. Cyclopes
283. Wisps
284. Cybernetic Jewelry
285. Shrikes
286. The Society for the Prevention of Childhood
287. Collectors
288. Architect Ants
289. Pulse Gun
290. Rise and Shine
291. Asshole Geese
292. Designer Qualia
293. Moochers
294. EXS Dr. Tannhauser-Shen of Crete
295. Bad Can
296. Cloisters
297. Super-Brains
298. Predator Trance
299. Planetary Convention
300. Peace is Everyone's Responsibility
301. Exile
302. Boomfruit
303. Timey-Wimey
304. Crash
305. Engorged-with-Wealth
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