Flight is one of the old dreams of humanity, and even with petals, experimental psychosurgery, and and new senses, remains a sought after experience. Many rent or buy flight capable morphs, or spend time in flight-oriented simulspaces. Sometimes, flight is not elegant. The flight bladder is merely practical at best, often slow and ungainly, and scorned by neo-avians. Some find, however, a pleasant laziness in drifting effortlessly through the sky.
A flight bladder works by taking in light-than-air gasses (usually helium, from convenient tanks) and storing it, for as long as days. The bladder can exhale small amounts of gas at a time, for propulsion or when it is time to return to ground. A bladder cannot be used in environments where gravity is too heavy, and/or atmosphere is to light. They are redundant in micro or zero gravity. For those reasons, they have caught on primarily on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
Flight bladders are most popular among neo-octopuses, whose body-plans adapt well to drifting and floating. Often it is an easy replacement for the ink-sac. The bladders, are redundant to neo-avians, not strong enough for most synths, and unless installed and used very carefully, render hominids hilariously off-balance.
A flight bladder is bioware [Moderate]
A flight bladder grants a morph the microlight mobility system, as the robotic enhancement.
In microgravity or zero g this isn't entirely redundant, it could used for propulsion alone