The tactics of crèche-wolves in combat depend on whether it is acting alone or as part of a pack. If acting alone, the crèche-wolf will attack only from ambush, and flee if unable to engage on its own terms. In a pack, however, they become extremely aggressive, rushing towards targets from multiple directions. A crèche-wolf will usually attempt to tackle a victim to the ground, open its jaws, and pull the victim into its mouth with its arms.
COG 5 COO 20 INT 15 REF 20 SAV 5 SOM 25 WIL 10
INIT 6 SPD 2 DUR 45 WT 9 DR 75 LUC 20 TT 4 IR 40
Skills: Climbing 30, Fray 30, Freerunning 40, Infiltration 40, Intimidation 40, Perception 30, Unarmed Combat 50
Enhancements: Bioweave (Heavy), Cyberclaws, Neurachem (Level 1), Muscle Augmentation
Movement Rate: 4/30
Attack: 1d10 + 6 DV, AP -2
Armor: 3/4
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